Audio of Nelson Mandela’s Life.

The Rivonia Trial Speech

Nelson Mandela made his “I am prepared to Die” Speech during this Trial. On 20th of April 1964.

Play this Song called Free Nelson Mandela:

  • It is a Song that was played World Wide as people around the World held Concerts & Gatherings calling for the Release of Nelson Mandela and other Political Prisoners.

  • This Song was also sung by people who held peaceful Demonstrations around the world & it assisted in making more people to join its Campaign of abolishing the Apartheid System.

On 22 June 1990, Nelson Mandela addressed UN Special Committee Meeting against Apartheid System.

  • The Apartheid system was still in place.

  • Nelson Mandela, thanked United Nations for Declaring Apartheid as a Crime against Humanity.

Nelson Mandela's Speech regarding Sport:

  • Sports can Unit a Nation.

  • Sports have the power to change the world.

  • Sports have the power to inspire the Nation.

  • Sports speaks to the youth in the language that they understand.

Nelson Mandela’s Speech during his 1994 inauguration Ceremony:

  • This photo was taken on the day that Nelson Mandela was inaugurated as President & both Thabo Mbeki & FW De Kerk as Deputy Presidents.

  • Nelson Mandela gave a Speech thanking the People of South Africa for voting for the ANC during the 1994 Elections.

  • Also for Making him to be the 1st President of a United, Democratic, None Racial, None Sexiest South Africa.

  • Nelson Mandela was inaugurated on Tuesday the 10th of May

    in 1994, as the 1st Democratic President of South Africa.


Videos of Nelson Mandela's Life


Documents of Nelson Mandela's Life