Ultimate Archives (UA):
Knowledge, Skills & True Ethical Values, are the True Key to Success.
UA (Ultimate Archives) is an Online Archives Platform in which both our South African and African Culture, History and Records, including our Current state of Affairs can be Viewed and be Stored for our Current and Future Generations.
We aim for our National Content to be available and Accessible to all Citizens for Current and for future Purposes, for every African and South African to access both their National Heritage and National Content, at all times for 365 Days a year and for 24 Hours a Day and for 7 Days a week).
UA is built on a True Ethical Way Values based System called The Ultimate Way (UW) and numbers 4. 5. 6. 7. and 8. below are part of UW’s Ethical Values.
All People, must be encouraged and be Raised to be individuals and People that live their lives in Dignity, while withholding high Standards of: Integrity, Ethics (Ethical behavior), Respect, Equality and Botho (Ubuntu, Batho Pele), before prioritizing any Personal Gain or Groups or Company’s Financial Profit Gain.
To Promote Access and High Quality Standards towards: Innovation, Access to Information, Economic Access, Economic Freedom and Participation, Access to Upcoming and Latest Technology Skills, Knowledge and Education.
While Empowering Citizens of all Genders and of all Race Groups, while also Reducing Poverty and increasing Citizens Dignity and the Quality and Standard of theirs Lives.
To promote Community building, to also share Personal experiences, advice and guidance on life’s Challenges, while also focusing on improving our leadership quality, especially when we get, to be on Positions of Leadership.
This Platform will cover all beings, in all Continents, all Species of all Age, Race, Gender, Skin Color, Sexual Orientation, Physically Challenged individuals, even those of different Creeds (those Creeds that promote Peace, Unity and Positive deeds).