Nelson Mandela’s Biography

1918 to 1929: Birth and Childhood of Nelson Mandela

·     Nelson Rolihlahla Mandela was born on 18 July 1918, in a village called Mvezo in the District of Umtata.

·     Umtata was the capital district of the then called Transkei Land Division Area {Eastern Cape Province}.

·     Nelson Rolihlahla Mandela belongs to the Madiba Clan.

·     His Father is Gadla Henry Mphakanyiswa Mandela and his Mother is Nosekeni Fanny Mandela.

·     His mother was 24 years Old when she gave birth to Nelson Mandela, her 1st born Child.

·     His Father had 13 Children in Total and Nelson Mandela is the youngest of his 3 Sons he also had

The lowest rank and the lowest inheritance status when compared to the other 3 Sons of his Father.

·     When Nelson Mandela was born, He only had 2 Names, he was named Rolihlahla Mandela by his parents.

·     His 1st birth name is Rolihlahla.

·     His 2nd name is Madiba, which is his Clan name, he was given this name by his Family, because it belongs to his

Great Grandfather whose name was Madiba.

·     He was given his 3rd name Nelson, by his Primary School Teacher called Miss Mdingane.

·     In 1925, Miss Mdingane gave him this name Nelson when he was 7 years old, on his 1st day at school,

When he started Primary School, while leaving in the village called Qunu.

·     His 3rd name Nelson, was given to him to be his English name, because the Primary School he was attending was a

British Methodist or Wesleyan Church.

·     His mother’s name Fanny is actually Nelson Mandela’s Mother’s English & Christian name, but his father was not a Christian,

he practiced the Traditional Xhosa faith belief way of life.

·     Nelson Mandela is the 1st born & the only Son of his mother & he had 3 Sisters who were born after him.

·     His Mother also took Nelson Mandela to be Baptized into the British Methodist or Wesleyan Church.

·     The Local Chiefs were Controlled by the White Government’s Magistrate, who had the power to appoint

a Chief into power and also has the power to remove a chief out of Power.

·     His Father was appointed to be a Local Chief of the Village of Mvezo, at around the age of 35 years & in around

the year 1915, while their family was still living there in the Village of Mvezo.

·     In around 1919 his father lost his Chieftaincy due to a complaint regarding a lost Ox, all this happened because,

·     When the magistrate summoned or asked Nelson Mandela’s father to come to explain more regarding this situation,

Nelson Mandela’s father did not like to be summoned, he felt like it was disrespectful.

·     Because Nelson Mandela’s father did not go, when he was summoned, he was removed from his Chieftaincy immediately due to

insubordination & this also ended the Chieftaincy of the Mandela family.

·     Nelson Mandela’s father also lost most of his land, his herd and he also lost the Title and his fortune which included a monthly pay.

·     After his father lost his Chieftaincy his mother moved from living in Mvezo to start living in Qunu.

·     Chief Jongitaba Dalindyebo agreed to this because many years before, it was Nelson Mandela’s father who played

a big role in making him the Regent Chief of the Thembu People.

1930 to 1938: Death of Nelson Mandela’s Father

·     In 1930, when Nelson Mandela was around 12 years old, He noticed that his father was in Qunu.

·     To visit her Mother as he normally visited her for 1 week each Month, But his father was highly ill & was coughing a lot, it seems like he

had some type of lung related illness.

·     He stayed in his mother’s Hut for days without talking and moving much.

·     His 4th wife Nodayimani, came to assist his mother to can look after their ill Husband then one night his father asked for his tobacco and Smoking

Pipe so that he could smoke.

·     But his 2 Wives did not want to let him Smoke & he eventually forced them to smoke it, during that same night his Father Past Away

while busy Smoking his tobacco Pipe.

·     After his father passed away, they mourned for him and after the Mourning period, his mother took Nelson Mandela awayfrom Qunu to start

living in Mqhekezweni, the Provisional Capital of the Thembuland.

·     At the Royal Residence of Chief Jongitaba Dalindyebo of the Thembu People, who agreed to become Nelson Mandela’s Mentor or Guardian

after Nelson Mandela’s Father had passed away.

·     In 1934, when Nelson was 16 years old, the Regent Chief Jongitaba Dalindyebo told him that he was old enough to can go through the

Traditional Process of being transformed from being a boy to being a man.

·     This Process includes being circumcised, so that he can start having more rights like to can inherit his father’s position, Rank and Property.

·     Including having the right to can be Married, to take part in Tribal Rituals, to voice personal views in the Traditional community

gatherings or Meetings, not to be treated like a boy or to be called a boy anymore. 

·     The right to have your own piece of land, to can set up or build his own house or home, to own different types of property,

including Live Stock, to be given a new name that you will use as a man.

·     After being converted or transformed into a man, Nelson Mandela was given the new name Dalibhunga.

·     Dalibhunga is a name which means the founder of the Bhungha, the Bhungha is the Traditional ruling body of the Transkei Land Division Area.

·     Nelson Mandela was given a number of livestock that is four (4) sheep and two (2) small Cows during the welcome ceremony of being a man.

·     Nelson was happy to own them since he had never owned anything of that much value in his life before.

·     During the welcome ceremony, Chief Meligqili gave a speech that was a very painful reality regarding how Indigenous Black people were

living and were being ill-treated in their own home land.

·     He said that Black South African people are conquered people, slaves in their own country, they have no control over their destiny,

young men were chiefs who will never rule.

·     Because they have no power to can rule their own people, they cannot give them the greatest gift of all, which is freedom and independence.

·     The Regent told Nelson that he won’t end up being Uneducated & working the mines like others, he wanted Nelson

to be an Educated & informed Counsellor for the upcoming King Sabata of the Thembu people.

·     Then when he was 16 years old after passing Standard 5, he got admitted to Clarkebury College, which was the

highest institution of learning in the Thembu land for African Black people {Africans}.

·     The Clarkebury College was founded in the year 1825, on the land that was donated by the Great Xhosa Thembu

King Ngubengcuka who is the great grandfather of Nelson Mandela.

·     The Governor of Clarkebury College was Reverend C Harris and he is the 1st person who encouraged Nelson Mandela to can Study Law.

·     In 1937 when Nelson was 19 years Old he enrolled at Healdtown College a Methodist or Wesleyan College in Fort Beaufort Area.

·     In 1938, Nelson passed matric, which was then a High School Qualification called Standard 10.

·     Nelson was the 1stin his Family to attend high School & to receive High School Education.

1st In 1941: Nelson’s 1st & 2nd Jobs in Johannesburg

·     With the money they got for selling the stolen Cows they bought train tickets that allowed them to travel by Train from Umtata to Queenstown.

·     In 1941 both Nelson Mandela & Justice Dalindyebo arrived in Johannesburg for the 1st time in their Lives, both looking for a fresh start.

·     Sometime later, they went to the Crown Mines, which was then the largest Gold Mine in Johannesburg, they went to see

the Chief Induna or Headman called Piliso.

·     In 1940, months in advance, Regent Chief Jongitaba Dalindyebo had sent a letter to Chief Induna Piliso informing him

to arrange a Clerk Job for Justice in Crown Mines.

·     At that time a Clerk Job, was one of the most respected job opportunities at the mine, but Piliso said that he did not

know anything about Nelson Mandela.

·     Then Justice pleaded for Nelson Mandela, then Piliso felt sympathy for Nelson Mandela & he gave Nelson his 1st ever Job,

which was being a Security guard at the Crown Mines.

·     Some days later both Nelson & Justice were bragging while talking to one fellow who they took as a friend from Umtata.

·     About how they ran away from home & ended up working at the Mine without Regent Chief Jongitaba Dalindyebo approval and the

fellow promised to keep this matter as a secret.

·     But more or less than a day later, the Chief Induna of the Crown Mine Mr. Piliso, called both Nelson & Justice to his office & accused them of lying.

·     That they were both sent by the Regent Chief Jongitaba Dalindyebo to work at the mine with his blessings.

·     Chief Induna Piliso showed them both a Telegram sent by the Regent that said that Piliso must send both Justice & Nelson back to Umtata.

·     It is then that they realized that, that fellow went behind their backs & told Piliso their secret and now the Regent

knows that they are working at the Crown Mines in Johannesburg.

·     Piliso told them that he will put them on a Train that will take them back to home to the Transkei to Umtata.

·     Both Justice and Nelson left Piliso’s Office and then they decided that they are both not going back home.

·     They decided to go to see Dr. A.B Xuma who has been the Regents friend for many years and he was at that time the General President of

the ANC (The President of the ANC in the 1940’s).

·     The ANC which in full stands for the African National Congress, was founded on 08 January in 1912.

·     Dr. A.B Xuma listened to the half-truth’s that they told him & he communicated with the White Manager named Mr. Wellbeloved who was the Manager of

the Chief Induna at the Crown Mines.

·     But when they returned back to the Crown Mine, Mr. Piliso saw them & he over ruled his White Manager Mr. Wellbeloved & did not want

to give jobs to both Nelson Mandela & Justice Dalindyebo.

·     Then Nelson arranged to stay with his Cousin Mr. Garlick Mbekeni in George Goch Township.

·     Some days later Mr. Garlick told Nelson that they must take a Train to Johannesburg to see a Real Estate agent in Market Street when they arrived,

Nelson Mandela met Walter Sisulu for the 1st time there.

·     Nelson noticed that Walter Sisulu ran a Real Estate Office that was focused on selling & buying Properties for Black Africans.

·     While still at the Real Estate Office, he explained to Walter Sisulu that he wanted to complete his Law degree and also

That he wanted to become a professional Lawyer.

·     Even though Walter Sisulu only had Standard 6 as his highest qualification, he was able to run a successful Real Estate Agency.

·     Walter Sisulu told Nelson that he knows a White lawyer called Lazar Sidelsky.

·     Then some time later Nelson got his 2nd job as an Articled Clerk at the Law firm of Witkin, Sidelsky and Eidelman & Nelson also served his

B.A Law Degree Articles while working there.

·     He was completing his Fort Hare, B.A Law Degree by doing a Correspondence with UNISA.

In 1941: Nelson’s Financial Struggles in Johannesburg

·     During the day Nelson worked as a Clerk at the Law Firm & During the Night he was studying to can complete his B.A Law Degree

by doing a Correspondence with UNISA (University of South Africa).

·     During his 2nd job in 1941 of being an Articled Clerk at the Law firm of Witkin, Sidelsky and Eidelman

·     Nelson was being paid 2 pounds per week, which is a Total of 8 Pounds per month.

·     Nelson met Mr. Gaur Radebe, who was a fellow employee at the Law Firm, who played a big influential part in making Nelson to become

a full time Politician rather than becoming a full time Lawyer.

·     After getting the Articled Clerk job, Nelson move out of with his Cousin Mbekeni’s home &

·     He then moved to stay at the home of Reverend J. Mabutho of the Anglican Church at address of 8th Avenue, in Alexander Township.

·     Reverend J. Mabutho was also a Thembu Clan member & also Family Friends with Nelson’s Family.

·     Nelson Mandela fell in love with a lady called Ellen Nkabinde, shortly after moving into the Mabutho’s family House.

·     Ellen Nkabinde & Nelson met while attending school in Healdtown College, Ellen was a Swazi and Nelson was a Xhosa & Reverend J. Mabutho’s wife

did not approve of their relationship.

·     Because they Nelson & Ellen came from different Ethnic Tribe groups, but Nelson loved her regardless.

·     To Nelson, Ellen was not just a romantic partner, she was also a supportive person & also gave him hope.

·     Sadly a few month’s later Ellen moved away from Johannesburg & they lost touch with each other forever.

·     But Nelson had to move out of Reverend J. Mabutho home after the Chief Induna of the Crown Mines Mr. Piliso found him at Reverends House & the

Reverend felt deceived by Nelson’s half Truth’s & lies.

·     But the Reverend made arrangements for Nelson to stay at Number 46 on 7th Avenue street, in Alexandra which was at the Xhoma’s Family House

which was on the same Street as the Reverend’s House.

·     Nelson spent his Monthly budget of 8 pounds in total as follows, he paid 13 Shillings & 4 pence a Month for a Rent Room at Xhoma’s family House,

at Number 46 on 7th Avenue street, in Alexandra.

·     Xhoma’s family business was to rent out Rooms to people who needed a place to stay in.

·     He travelled to work by using the Native Bus (for Africans only), which was 1 pound & 10 pence a month.

·     Nelson was also spending some of his salary to pay, for his Correspondence at UNISA Law Degree.

·     He also spend about 1 pound or so also on food.

·     In some days Nelson Mandela used to walk for about 9 KM’s to work & then walk another 9 KM’s from Work back to Alexandra,

because he did not have enough money to last him until the end of the Month.

·     In some cases Nelson Mandela went to work and he would wear the same suit from Monday to Friday.

·     He in fact wore 1 to 2 Suits for a period of 5 years and those suites had some Stitching & multiple Patches.

·     Nelson would get a hot meal from his Landlord the Xhoma family every Sunday & during the week he will be eating mainly bread & was not able to

can cook a hot meal on a daily basis.

·     In 1941, Nelson was informed that the Regent was visiting Johannesburg & wanted to spend time with him.

·     The Regent was staying at the WNLA (Witwatersrand Native Labor Association) Compound,

·     The WNLA (Witwatersrand Native Labor Association) Compound was the Recruiting agency for Mine workers & the mine Chief Induna Piliso was

able to give people accommodation at this place.

·     But during the meeting with the Regent, Nelson noticed that the Regent was not there to fight with him but was there fix things between him and to

restore their relationship to be a calm and warm one.

·     On 14 August 1941, the Atlantic Charter was a Statement that was issued by the then US President Franklin D. Roosevelt and the

British Prime Minister Winston Churchill.

·     Just months before the US officially joined the 2nd World War & Nelson was inspired by the 8 principals clauses of this Charter that withheld

human dignity and all people had a right to Self Determination.

·     In the 1940’s the Bantu World was the largest African Newspaper in South Africa.

1942 to 1943: Nelson Graduates at Fort Hare University

·     In 1942, Nelson moved from renting the back room of the Xhoma family and went to stay closer to Johannesburg by living at WNLA Compound

after Chief Induna Piliso called him to stay there for free.

·     The 1st place, where Nelson Mandela lived was at the Xhoma family home in Alexandra Township.

·     The 2nd place, where Nelson lived was at the WNLA Compound.

·     The 3rd place, where Nelson lived in was in Orlando, which was a section of the Soweto Township

·     In 1942, during winter both Justice & Nelson Mandela learned that the Regent had passed away, they read about his death on the newspaper.

·     They then rushed back home to Mqhekezweni in the Transkei, but they arrived the day after his Funeral.

·     Nelson Stayed in Mqhekezweni for about a week after the Funeral, then he started feeling that his future was not bound to

The Transkei or the Thembu land, so he decided to leave & to return back to Johannesburg.

·     But Justice had to stay behind in Mqhekezweni to inherit his father’s position & become the next Regent Chief.

·     At the end of 1942, Mandela passed the Final Examinations of his B.A. Law Degree.

·     In 1943, Nelson Mandela completed his Fort Hare, B.A. Law Degree by doing a Correspondence with UNISA.

·     Before May of 1943, Nelson, Travelled back to the Transkei, to Graduate at Fort Hare University, he borrowed money from Walter Sisulu, to can buy a

brand new suit that he wore on his Graduation day.

·     Nelson’s Nephew, K.D. Matanzima, whose Clan name is Daliwonga, drove to attend the graduation Ceremony by bringing

Both Nelson Mandela’s Mother & the Regent’s Wife No-England along with him.

·     During this period of Graduation at Fort Hare University in the Transkei, Nelson started to Notice that his duty was to his people as a whole, not just a

single ethnic group or a particular section or Branch.

·     This period of graduation gave Nelson a moment in his life of introspection and of reflection.

·     Nelson Mandela noticed that having a successful career and a comfortable monthly pay salary were no longer his Ultimate Goals of his Life.

·     At the beginning of 1943, Mandela returned back to Johannesburg and he found himself being drawn into the world of politics.

·    He noticed that during his years of being Educated & Studying his LLB Qualification, no one had ever suggested to him, how to go about removing

The Evils of racial prejudice and He had to learn doing things by Trial & Error.

·     In 1943, after this Graduation period, Nelson Mandela joined the ANC (African National Congress).

·     Within 1943, Nelson enrolled in Wits University (University of Witwatersrand) in Braamfontein in northern Central Johannesburg to study for

his Bachelor of Laws (LLB) Degree.

·     While studying at Wits, Nelson attended lecture classes that had both White & Black Students, one of his lectures a law professor was a black man,

Called Mr. Mahlo & some white students were not racist towards him.

·     At Wits University, Nelson Mandela was attending his Bachelor of Laws (LLB) Degree classes with White Students and this was

New to them & also to him, because Nelson Mandela was the only African Student in the Law Faculty.

·     This was possible because Wits University was a English Speaking University and it allowed all people of all Races to come to Study in

Their Universities, but the Afrikaans Universities of the 1940’s did not.

·     During his 1st Term at Wits, Nelson met both Joe Slovo and his future wife to be Ruth First.

·     Both were from Jewish families that migrated to South Africa, Joe Slovo was a Communist

·     Nelson also became friends with George Bizos & Bram fisher & Nelson noticed that his new white friends were all not Racists at all and they

Ended up spending many days together during & after Classes.

·     In 1943, Ahmed Mohamed Kathrada was still below High School, when he and Nelson Mandela met.

·     They met through Ismail Meer & JN Singh, both who were Studying Law at Wits University with Nelson at that time.

1943 to 1946: The ANC Youth League is Created

·     During 1943, Gaur Radebe explained to Nelson that the ANC was the oldest National African Organization in the country & it was

founded on the 8th of January in 1912.

·     Nelson also found out that Mr. Gaur Radebe, was a prominent member of both the ANC and the South African Communist Party. He

Also found out that Gaur, did not have a B.A Law Degree qualification.

·     In 1943 in August, Nelson Mandela got involved in his 1st ever Political March, in support of the Alexandra bus boycott.

·     One of the Leaders in that March was Gaur Radebe & there was about 10 000 people participating in that March.

·     In 1943 at night, Nelson met A. Peter Mda & Anton Lambede for the 1st time at Walter Sisulu’s house.

·     Peter Mda was one of a few qualified Black lawyers in South Africa in the 1940’s & was the Legal Partner of Dr. Pixley ka Seme, who is regarded to be

one of the Founders of the ANC.

·     Peter Mda said young people had started to see themselves as Africans 1st before seeing their Racial ethnic groups & that Africans should rise up & become

Successful without forgetting who they are.

·     Walter Sisulu, Oliver Tambo, Dr. Lionel Majombozi, William Nkomo & Many others supported this.

·     They also agreed that the ANC had become a Preserve of a Tired, None militant, privileged African elite more concerned with protecting

Their own rights than those of the masses.

·     Then the general agreement was that some action must be taken & then Dr. Majombozi proposed forming an ANC Youth League

As a way to solve this problem.

·     In 1943, after Dr. Majombozi’s proposal, Nkomo, Mda, Lembede, Sisulu, Tambo & Mandela all went as a delegation to see the

Then ANC President Dr. Xuma at his home regarding forming the ANC Youth League.

·     In the 1940’s the ANC President was Dr. Xuma, he has been recognized to have gone into Office replacing the then President & Co founder of the ANC,

who was Dr. Pixley ka Seme.

·     During the Meeting the Delegation told Dr. Xuma, they were aiming to Create an ANC Youth League.

·     They showed him it’s Manifesto, aiming to Mobilize Mass Support & to increase New Ideas & methods but Dr. Xuma disagreed saying that Africans were

Too Unorganized & Undisciplined for mass campaigns.

·     After this Meeting with Dr. Xuma, William Nkomo supervised the creation of a Provisional Committee of the ANC Youth League, which travelled

To ANC’s Annual Conference held in Bloemfontein.

·     The Committee arrived at ANC’s Annual Conference held in Bloemfontein on December of 1943 and then they proposed a motion to vote on

Creation of an ANC Youth League & adoption of its Manifesto.

·     Then Majority of the Delegates Voted in favour & agreed to the Creation an ANC Youth League.

1943 to 1946: Nelson Mandela’s 1st Marriage to 1st Wife Evelyn Mase

·     In around 1943, Nelson Mandela met his 1st Wife Evelyn Mase, at Walter Sisulu’s House in Orlando.

·     Evelyn grew up in a village called Ngcobo in the Mthatha area, in the then Transkei Province.

·     Evelyn Completed her high school in Johannesburg, both Evelyn & her brother Mr. Sam Mase stayed at Walter Sisulu’s house.

·     Walter Sisulu’s Mother and Evelyn Mase’s Father’s Mother were Siblings.

·     Both of Evelyn’s parents died before she was a Teenager, her Mother passed away when she was still about 12 years old & her father passed away when she was still a baby.

·     When they met Evelyn together with Rose (Peter Mda’s) Wife & Albetina (Walter Sisulu’s) Wife were all training to be Qualified Nurses at the

Johannesburg General Hospital for None white people.

·     In 1944 between 15 July and 5 October, Nelson Mandela married Evelyn Mase.

·     Nelson was turning 26 years old in 1944, when they got married.

·     While Evelyn Mase had already turned 22 years old in age during that year of their marriage.

·     Therefore Nelson was 4 years older than Evelyn Mase when they were getting married.

·     This marriage made Evelyn Mase, to be Nelson Mandela’s 1st Wife.

·     Nelson Mandela & Evelyn Mase married in a Civil Ceremony, which only required witnesses to come and sign at the Court of the

Native Commissioner of the City of Johannesburg.

·     They had a Civil marriage because they could not afford to have a Traditional Customary wedding or  marriage Ceremony because they

could not also afford to pay for a wedding venue or for catering.

·     According to our Calculations Evelyn Mase, became pregnant in around May in 1944, by this time they were not married, they were still dating,

therefore it means that they started Dating in 1943.

·     On 23 Feb in 1945, Nelson Mandela and Evelyn Mase gave birth to their 1st born child a boy & they named him Madiba Thembekile (Thembi) Mandela,

the name Madiba being Nelson’s Clan Name.

·     When their 1st born child Thembi was born Nelson Mandela was 26 years old & turning 27 in July & then his Wife Evelyn Mase was 22 years Old and

turning 23 years old in May of that year of 1945.

·     In 1946, earlier in the year they moved to Orlando East into their own 2 Room Municipal House.

·     In 1946, they moved again into a 4 Room House, number 8115, Orlando West in Soweto (South Western Townships), it was another Municipal House

with 2 Small Bedrooms, a sitting Room & a small kitchen.

·     The Rent was 17 Shillings & 6 pence per Month, each House had an Outside Toilet at the back, there were Street Electric Lights but each house did

not have Electricity, but it was bigger than their Previous House.

·     Some month’s later Nelson Mandela’s Sister Leabie came to study at Orlando High School.

In 1948: Apartheid Government Voted into Power for the 1st time

·     In 1948, it was South Africa’s election year, between the English white speaking people and the Afrikaans white speaking people, this type of elections

was called The White General Elections.

·     The English Speaking white people’s Political Party was known as The United Party.

·     In 1948, The United Party was the ruling party in South Africa at that time & the National Party was the biggest opposition party during the White General Elections.

·     The Afrikaans Speaking white people’s Political Party was known as the National Party.

·     The National Party’s campaign was “Swart Gevaar” which meant “The Black Danger”

·     Their 1st slogan was “Die kaffer op sy Plek” which meant “Black people must be put in their place”

·     Their 2nd slogan was “Die koelies uit die land” meaning “Indian people must go out of South Africa”

·     The Apartheid System promised that white people were superior to Africans, Coloureds and Indians.

·     They would say “Die wit man moet altyd baas wees” meaning that “ The White man must always remain as the boss”

·     The English United Party was led by General Smuts & the Afrikaans National Party was led

by Dr. Daniel F. Malan (D.F. Malan).

·     The Nationalists also had a slogan which said “Eie Volk, eie taal & eie land” which translates into “Our people, our own language and our own land”

·     The Afrikaner National Party, wanted to implement the Apartheid system, but even General Smuts of the United Party noticed how dangerous this

harsh ideology was, he described Apartheid as a Crazy Concept, created by people who had prejudice and fear.

·     On 28 May 1948, the National Party won and the United Party lost the National South African Elections, this 28 May 1948 Elections Victory is

marked as the start of the Apartheid Government System.

·     The National Party’s Apartheid Government System Ruled South Africa from the 28 May of 1948 to the  10 May of 1994 for a period of about 48 years.

·     After the National Party won the Elections they introduced some Laws, as Constitutional Acts via Legislation, see below some examples of those Laws or Acts.


In 1949: New Apartheid Government changing the SA Constitution

·     In 1949, the Apartheid Government introduced the Mixed Marriages Act which disallowed marriages of people of different races & made them to be illegal.

·     Then the Immorality Act, which made it illegal for White & None White people to have sexual intimacy or to have sexual relationships.

·     The Apartheid Government also said that they will cancel the Limited ability of Indian, Coloured & African People to have Franchises.

·     The Separate Representation of Voters Bill was adopted into Law and it made it illegal for coloured people to be represented at the National Parliament.

·     Then the Group Areas Act, which separated each Racial Group to be placed in a separated section of the Urban area was also introduced, therefore Africans,

Coloureds, Indians & White People all lived separately.

·     White People were placed to live in Town or to build houses close to the City CBD or to Town.

·     Then the Indians & Coloureds people were to be placed in the middle distance, they will be placed between the Area of the White people and the Area of the African people.

·     Then African People will be placed much far away from Town or City CBD & had to commute to about 30 Minutes to 1 Hour drive away or more away

from the City CBD or Town.

·     In 1949 ANC, in response to this Unfair Racial Laws of the Apartheid Government, decided to take a Radical Change, that will include boycotts, Strikes,

Stay home stay aways, Mass Protest Demonstrations.

·     Then Walter Sisulu, Oliver Tambo & Nelson Mandela, represented the ANC Youth League & they approached the then ANC President Dr. Alfred Bitini Xuma,

to ask him to support their Radical Change of Action.

·     But the then ANC President Dr. Xuma disagreed & they explained that if he does not support their Radical Change of Action they will not support him &

to be re-elected as the President of the ANC.

·     Then in 1949, during the ANC National Conference held in December, Dr. Xuma was then defeated & voted out of power & he was replaced by Dr. Moroka

as the President of the ANC.

·     This made Dr. James Sebe Moroka the President of the ANC from December of 1949 until 1952.

·     Oliver Tambo was elected as National Executive & Walter Sisulu as the Secretary General of the ANC.

·     Nelson Mandela was elected to be the National President of the ANC Youth League.

·     This ANC National Conference also adopted the Youth Leagues Radical Change of Action as a way of standing up against the new Apartheid governments Racial Laws.

·     During this 1949 Conference the ANC Youth League Members were voted into the main positions of leadership of the ANC.


 In 1953: Bantu Education is introduced by the Apartheid Government

·     On 03 September 1953, a Ban order was delivered to Nelson when he was 35 years old, at the Small Court by a number of police Men, at a place

called Villiers in the Free State provincial Area.

·     This ban was served under the Suppression of the Communism Act, it explained that Nelson must resign from the ANC & he is banned from taking part

in any Gatherings or Meetings or Protests for 2 years.

·     The Ban also Restricted Nelson to stay & remain within the Johannesburg Area for a period of 2 years.

·     In 1953 the Apartheid Government that was dominated by the National Party introduced a New law called the Bantu Education Act and at that time

the Minister of education was Dr. Hendrik Verwoerd.

·     The Minister of education Dr. Hendrik Verwoerd once said that “There is no place for the Bantu in the European Community above the level of certain forms of Labour”.

·     Under this Act African Primary & Secondary Schools operated by Churches & Mission Schools were given a choice to handover the schools to the Government or they

will get little funding from Government.

·     The Bantu Education Act was to take place from 1 April of 1955.

·     This proved that without having Enough Wealth, Africans and especially their Children were doomed.

·     Because they simply did not have money to can afford to stand against it, they ended up being forced into it.

·     This was supported by the Dutch Reform Church & the Lutheran Mission Church, but Most Christian Churches were against the Bantu Education Act.

·     But about 3 Churches did not hand over their Schools to the government they were The Seventh-Day Adventists, The United Jewish Reform Congregation and

the Roman Catholics Church.

·     The rest of other churches even though many were oppressed to the act they handed their schools to the Apartheid Government because they did not have

enough Funds to can run the Schools independently.

·     Parents that were against the Bantu education were faced with a Choice between having no education for their children or to send them to attend

schools that will be run under a Bantu Education System.

·     The ANC tried to boycott the Bantu Education but it also did not have enough funds to create its own school’s that could run an Education System

that could replace the Apartheid’s Bantu Education System.

·     The Government also passed a law that will punish anyone by a fine or by imprisonment for offering an Unauthorized Education to Students.

·     With a fine or imprisonment, the Apartheid Government wanted to force all poor African families to send their children to be educated through the

Bantu Education Act (Bantu Education System).

·     Only a handful of African parents could afford to take their Children to Private Schools that were being run by the Seventh-Day Adventists,

Jewish Reform Congregation & Roman Catholics Churches.

·     The Bantu Education ended with 2 results, a Negative Result and a Positive Result.

·     The Negative Result of the Bantu Education System was that from 1955 to 1995, which is a period of about 40 Years, whereby African families ended up

having 5 family generations going through Bantu Education.

·     It is estimated that from 100% of African Families about 5% of them could send their children to Private Schools, this left the Majority of about 95% of all

Poor Families children ending up in Bantu Education.

·     The Bantu Education system sent 95% of African Families to be stuck in an Education System that channeled them to only have Access to Low paying Careers &

also to Low paying Skills.

·     The Positive Result was the 1976 Youth Protest Uprising, whereby the African Youth of South Africa held a National Protest against the

Bantu Education System and its Language Policy.

·     During the 1976 Youth Uprising Protests, the Apartheid Government used live Ammunition & killed School Children who participated in the Protest &

the Media took Videos & Photo’s of this Killings.

·     After watching this Videos & Photos international Countries announced that equal Human rights must be given to all Residents of South Africa &

that a Democratic Constitution must be established as well.


1954 to 1955: Freedom Charter and the Congress of the People

·    During April of 1954, the then Law Society of the Transvaal filed a matter to the Supreme Court for Nelson Mandela to be struck off the roll of

being a Professional Practicing Registered Attorney.

·     Stating that Nelson showed unprofessional & dishonourable behavior & was a Political activist who was found guilty for breaking the Law. To prevent being

struck off the roll, Nelson took this matter to Court.

·     Judge Ramsbottom, was the judge ruling on the case brought forward by the Law Society asking for Nelson Mandela to be struck off the roll.

·     But he was a fair judge and he upheld the independence of the Judiciary, he ruled that Nelson Mandela had a right to campaign for his Political Beliefs even

though they were opposed to the government.

·     The judge dismissed the Law Society’s Case & Ordered for them to pay for their own Costs.

·     In 1955, the Apartheid Government announced that on 9 February 1955, they will start to forcefully move Africans away from Sophiatown, they will move them

to stay in the Meadowlands Township.

·     The ANC & other Organizations tried to fight against this Forced removal, they even had a slogan saying “Over our Dead Bodies” but besides their best efforts

at the end, People were relocated to Meadowlands.

·     In 1955, the ANC President Chief Alert Luthuli was given a ban when he went to Johannesburg to try to Address about 10 000 People who were affected by the

Force full relocations to Meadowlands.

·     In 1953 Professor Z.K. Matthews returned back to South African after visiting the USA for about 1 Year.

·     In December 1953, during the ANC’s Annual Conference Professor Z.K. Matthews presented to the Delegates to create a “Congress of the People”.

·     In 1953, Nelson started to feel that his Marriage with Evelyn was starting to fall apart and they both were not spending enough time at their home.

·     One day Evelyn informed Nelson their 1st born Thembi asked her “Mum, where does Daddy live?”

·     Nelson was busy with his Politics stuff and Evelyn from 1953, moved away from home to Durban to study her Midwife course at the King Edward VII Hospital &

came to visit during Study Holidays.

·     A Year Later Evelyn returned back home to give birth on 01 May 1954 to their 4th Child, they named her  Pumla Makaziwe Mandela, as Makaziwe after their

2nd born Child who had passed away in 1947.

·     “Congress of the People” where people of all Races Coloureds, Africans, Indians & Whites, come together to Draft & approve a Freedom Charter to be used

in the constitution of a Democratic South Africa.

·     Majority of the ANC Delegates voted & agreed for the Freedom Charter to be created.

·     Each Race Group was represented by multiple organisations, just to name a few, Africans by the ANC.

·     The Indian People were represented by the SAIC (South African Indian Congress) & Yusuf Cachalia.

·     The Coloured People by the SACPO (South African Coloured People’s Organization) & Stanley Lollan.

·     White People by the COD (Congress Of Democrats) & Lionel Bernstein, Bram Fischer, Michael Harmel.

·     All of this organisation that had agreed to be part of the Congress of the People” & to create the Freedom Charter, also formed a new Alliance

which was called the Congress Alliance.

·     A “Congress of the People” took place at Kliptown around Johannesburg on both the 25 & 26 June 1955.

·     September 1955, Nelson Mandela’s Bans expired & he was free to travel anywhere in the Country again.

·     Nelson Planned to go to visit his Family in the Transkei & his Daughter Makaziwe was about 2 Years old at that time & she asked his father Nelson to join him but

she could not & early in the Morning Nelson left.

·     He went to Natal area & met with Moses Mabhida, Dr. Chota Motala & Albert Luthuli & other leaders.

·     He arrived in Transkei bought some Groceries & visited his Mother, then after visited his Sister Mabel.

1953 to 1955: Treason Trial Starts & Mandela’s 1st Marriage end in Divorce

·     In 1955, Evelyn gave Nelson an ultimatum, she told Nelson to choose between her and the ANC.

·     On 5 December in 1956, Nelson Mandela was arrested in front of his Children, this arrest took place early in the Morning, as they were sleeping they were

woken up by loud knocking on their Door.

·     When Nelson Opened the door he noticed that it was the Police, it was Head Constable Rousseau a Security Officer & 2 other Police Man & they had a

Search Warrant as well as an Arrest Warrant.

·     They Searched at both Nelson Mandela Home & also at his “Mandela and Tambo” Law firm Office, they were searching looking for Incriminating Documents.

·     On the Arrest Warrant it was written Hoog Verraard which meant High Treason.

·     Mandela was then driven to the Mashall Square Police Station, were he spent multiple days in Jail.

·     When he arrived in jail he noticed that multiple Freedom Fighters were already arrested hours before he had arrived, in Total 156 people were arrested &

they were all Charged with Treason.

·     They realized that, Apartheid Government had arrested majority if not all of the Executive Members of all those organisations that created the Freedom Charter

meaning Africans, Indians, White & Coloured People.

·     They were then transferred to another Prison called the Johannesburg Fort prison.

·     They spent a period of about 2 Weeks in jail and they were released on bail, for White People their bail was 250 Pound, 100 Pounds for Indians &

25 Pounds for Coloureds & Africans.

·     While they were arrested in Prison during those 2 Weeks, Evelyn had Visited Nelson only once in prison.

·     When Nelson came back home, from Prison 2 Weeks Later after getting bail, he arrived home and he found that their House was empty and that there was no one at home.

·     He then realized that his wife Evelyn had moved out and that she had taken the kids with her, the house was empty and she had even removed the Curtains from the Windows.

·     He then found out that Evelyn had moved in to stay with her Brother, in Orlando East.

·     Then Evelyn’s bother gave Nelson some advice and said that maybe it is better for them to be separated for a while & later on when the situation had calm down,

then they will get back together again.

·     But as time went by both Nelson & Evelyn drifted more apart & never got back together again to rekindle.

·     The Separation affected all of their living 3 out of 4 Children, Thembi, Makgatho & Makaziwe, since they were little they did not fully understand what was happening between their parents.

1958 to 1959: Nelson meets Winnie & they get Married

·     In early 1958, as Nelson Mandela was driving past a bus stop near the Baragwanath Hospital Area in Johannesburg {JHB}, He noticed a young

beautiful woman waiting for the bus.

·     Then a few weeks later as he was busy at their “Mandela and Tambo” Law Firm, by luck he saw the young woman & her brother there inside Tambo’s office visiting for a legal Consultation.

·     Oliver Tambo then introduced both of them to Nelson Mandela & Nelson found out that her name was Nomzamo Winfred Madikizela, better known as Winnie.

·     Winnie was working at the Baragwanath Hospital as the 1st Black Female Social Worker, she had completed her studies at the Jan Hofmeyr School of Social Work.

·     Winnie was also from the Transkei like Nelson, in Bizana, an area that falls under the Pondo Land, she was of the Pondo Clan of amaNgutyana.

·     Her father was Mr. C.K. Madikizela a businessman & who was also a qualified School Principal & Winnie was his 6th Child from his total of 11 Children.

·     The Next day Nelson called Winnie & asked her if she could assist with raising funds for their Treason Trail Defense team at her Jan Hofmeyr School, this was Nelson’s plan of asking her out on a date.

·     During their 1st date they went to eat at an Indian Restaurant at JHB CBD & then went for a stroll at the Eldorado Park open Veld & he told her that he wanted to marry her, when talking during their 1st date.

·     During the same year of 1958, Nelson Filed for Divorce from Evelyn.

·     Then Nelson asked Winnie to go home to Bizana to inform her Parents of his intensions to marry her. 

·     Before their marriage could begin Nelson noticed that their “Mandela and Tambo” Law firm was struggling to produce enough revenue.

·     Nelson informed Winnie that they might end up living & surviving on her Social Worker Salary, Winnie understood & she agreed to continue with the Marriage Ceremony.

·     Lobola was fully paid to Winnie’s Father

·     On Thursday, 12 June 1958, Nelson sent representatives to Bizana village, for the actual wedding Ceremony.

·     On Saturday, 14 June 1958, in Bizana Village, at the Bizana Town Hall both Nelson Mandela and Winnie Madikizela officially got married.

·     During the Wedding, Winnie’s Father told her that she was marrying a man, who was already married to the Struggle.

·     Nelson Mandela was 39 years old and he was turning 40 years old, next Month on 18 July of 1958.

·     Winnie Madikizela was 21 years Old & she was going to be turning 22 years Old in September of 1958.

·     This means that Nelson Mandela was 18 years Older than Winnie Madikizela in terms of Age.

·     This also means that Nelson Mandela & Winnie got married during the period of the Treason Trial.

·     Both Nelson & Winnie continued to stay at number 8115, Vilakazi Street, in Orlando West, Soweto, it is the same house that Nelson also stayed in,

while he was still being married to Evelyn Mase.

·     As per our Calculations it seems like Winnie was already about 1 Month Pregnant when She & Nelson Mandela got married in June of 1958.

·     Winnie & Nelson welcomed the birth of their Daughter Zenani Mandela, on 4 February 1959.

·     Evelyn Mase Mandela still stayed in Orlando East even during the 1960’s & the Treason Trail.

1959 to 1960: Sharpeville Massacre & the PAC is formed by a breakaway faction of the ANC

·     On 6 April 1959, the Pan Africanist Congress {PAC} was formed by disgruntled members of the ANC.

·     Those disgruntled members included Robert Sobukwe & Potlako Leballo, who both were Former members of the ANC Youth League.

·     Robert Sobukwe was voted the President & Potlako Leballo was voted National Secretary of the PAC.

·     The PAC declared that they are a Democratic, Socialist Party & they did not agree with the Freedom Charter & Communism

·     That they will bring an Africanist Government that excluded white People & Indian people partnership.

·     The PAC was launched on the 6th of April, which is the same date & the anniversary day, during which Jan van Riebeeck landed at the Cape with his Ship in 1652.

·     In 1959, the Apartheid Government launched a New Law called the Promotion of Bantu Self Government Act which created 8 separated ethnic Bantustans including Bophuthatswana, Lebowa, Natal & others.

·     On 21 March in 1960, the PAC organized a Protest Demonstration against the Apartheid Pass Law.

·     Robert Sobukwe who was the then President of the PAC, invited the ANC to join & to support their March campaign but the ANC did not agree because ANC felt that PAC only invited them because they did not want people to blame them for not inviting the ANC & also that ANC itself had already planned for this type of Protest to take place on 26 June 1960 but PAC jumped on the Opportunity to do it before the ANC.

·     On the day of 21 March 1960, Robert Sobukwe and his Executive handed themselves in at the Orlando Police Station to turn themselves in for arrest therefore making sure that Protest continues to take place.  

·     In Langa Township near Cape Town, about 30 000 people held a Protest Demonstration led by Philip Kgosana, a young Men then the Police attacked them and 2 People died and many more were injured.

·     On the same day of 21 March in 1960, a Protest Demonstration of more than 5 000 People, took place in a Township called Sharpeville, which is about 70KM’s away from the Johannesburg CBD.

·     The Protesters surrounded the Sharpeville Police Station in an orderly manner & they were not armed, there was also Women and Children amongst the Protesters.

·     There were about 70 something Police Officers in that Police Station & they started shooting using live ammunition at the Protesters, some were shot at the back as they were running away from the shooting.

·     Because of this shooting, about 69 to 80 people died & more than 350 people got injured.

·     This Mass shooting of those Protesters, on 21 March of 1960 was labeled as the Sharpeville Massacre.

·     On the same day of 21 March 1960, Nelson Mandela & the majority of ANC Leaders were in Court at the old Synagogue in Pretoria for their Treason Trial Case & the ANC President Albert Luthuli was busy being cross-examined by Advocate Trengove on the day that the Sharpeville Massacre took place on.

·     Because of this Sharpeville Massacre, the UN Security Council intervened for the 1st Time Ever & it was blaming Apartheid government for the Sharpeville Massacre & calling for Racial Equality to take place.

·     Currently South Africa Commemorates this day of 21 March each year as Human Rights Day in Honour of those who were Shot & killed by the Apartheid Government during the Sharpeville Massacre in 1960.

·     On 30 March 1960, Nelson Mandela & his wife Winnie were woken up by loud knocking as the Apartheid Police came to Arrest Nelson without any Arrest Warrant.

·     More than 2000 People were arrested, both Male & Females from all Races & Various Political Party’s.

·     After 00:00 Midnight which was Early Morning of  31 March 1960, all the Prisoners who were arrested without a warrant for arrest were rearrested under the Emergency Regulation of the State of Emergency that took place from 00:01 on the 31st of  March in 1960.

·     Oliver Tambo had left South Africa illegally around March of 1960, on an anticipation that the State was going to arrest Members of the leadership of ANC again. 

1960 to 1965: Treason Trial Ends & MK is Formed

·     On 8th of April 1960, The Apartheid government banned both the ANC & the PAC at the same time.

·     It then made it illegal under the Suppression of Communism Act that any person could get a fine & a jail time of up to 10 years for being a member of either the ANC or the PAC Party.

·     The State of Emergency ended on 31 August of 1960, since it started on 31 March of 1960, it had lasted for a period of 5 Months.

·     The ANC dissolved both the ANC Youth League & the ANC Women’s League, after the State of Emergency ended on 31 August 1960, to prevent people from being arrested.

·     On 23 December 1960, Winnie & Nelson welcomed their 2nd Child, a daughter & named her Zindziswa (Zindzi) meaning “You are well established” after the daughter of Mr. Samuel Mqhayi a Xhosa poet.

·     The Treason Trial Started in 19 December in 1956 at the Drill Hall and it ended in 29th March of 1961.

·     The Treason Trial had lasted for 4 years and 3 Months.

·     On 29 March 1961, about 6 years later, Justice Rumpff ruled that Nelson Mandela & the 36 other accused not guilty of treason & they were released as Not enough Evidence was presented during trial.

·     A 3 day Stay away protest campaign was planned to take place on the 29, 30 and 31 May of 1961, Nelson Mandela was elected to be one of its main members of leadership

·     This Protest was planned to take place during dates that coincide with the proclamation of South Africa as a Republic Country on 31 May of 1961.

·     Nelson Mandela and the other Leaders stopped the 3 day Stay away Protest on the 30th, which was on its 2nd day after they noticed that the Stay away Protest was not highly supported Country wide.

·     After this 3 day Protest Cancellation the ANC Leadership noticed that their strategy of none violence, is not working effectively against the Apartheid Government

which shoots, beat up & at times kill Protestors.

·     From then onwards they started slowly making plans to establish an African Liberation Armed Force and that armed force became to be known as the Umkhonto we Sizwe (MK).

·     Umkhonto we Sizwe (MK), was formed during November in 1961 and its Manifesto was also drafted within this period of time.

·     The decision to Create the MK, was made by the Communist Party, the South African Indian Congress (SAIC), the ANC and the South African Coloured Peoples Congress (SACPO).

·     Nelson Mandela was elected to be the 1st Commander in Chief of the MK.

·     On 16 December 1961, MK made its 1st attack against the Apartheid Government by attacking its buildings in Durban, Johannesburg & Port Elizabeth & it also published its Manifesto on the same day.

·     In summary the MK Manifesto was released on the same day that it started to Attack the Apartheid Government, so the MK achieved 2 things at the same time on the same day of 16 December of 1961.

·     MK did not want to attack the White people or to kill White people & that is why it mostly targeted Empty Government Buildings during public Holidays, or the Electricity Infrastructure including Power Stations, MK’s aim was the Apartheid System & its Infrastructure and not the White People.

·     MK was formed, because of 2 reasons, 1st reason was to Train fellow Africans to know how to use modern weapons & fighting technics that also included Government administration in case they had to Rule.

·     The 2nd reason was to Stand against an unfair, prejudice & racist Apartheid Government.

·     Nelson stayed at a hideout, at a Farm house called Lilies Farm, located in Rivonia he moved there in October of 1961. A weeks later he was joined by Joe Slovo who assisted in drafting the MK Constitution.

·     Arthur Goldreich & his family moved into the main house permanently & Nelson moved into the back room Workers Cottage.

·     This made the safe house to blend in as a disguise as this were known living arrangements of most families during the Apartheid Government.

1961 to 1962: Nelson gets Arrested Again & Sent to Court Again

·     On 5 August 1962, as Nelson and his friend Cecil were driving past Pietermaritzburg, at Cedara a small Town past Howick, Nelson noticed a Ford V8 Vehicle driving fast past & overtaking them.

·     It was full of white males inside & when Nelson looked at the back he saw that, 2 more vehicles were behind them. All in all there were 3 Vehicles surrounding them 1 in front & 2 at the back.

·     Then the front vehicle’s occupants signaled them to stop & to pull over & Nelson realized that they had little room to maneuver & might get shot if they tried to run & fleeing on foot, so they stopped their Vehicle.

·     Then a Policemen came to their vehicle & introduced himself as Sergeant Vorster of the Pietermaritzburg Police Station & he produced a warrant of Arrest.

·     He then asked Nelson who are you & Nelson replied & said his name is David Motsamayi & Sergeant Vorster replied: you are Nelson Mandela and this is Cecil Williams and you are under Arrest.

·     5 August 1962, was the day that both Nelson Mandela & Cecil Williams both got arrested on & Nelson ended up being in Prison for 27 years & this day was Nelson Mandela’s official day number 1 in Prison.

·     They were taken to the Pietermaritzburg Police Station & then taken to its Court on next day, then the Judge then remanded Nelson to return to JHB & he was not handcuffed, when he was taken there.

·     They arrived in Johannesburg, on 6 August 1962, Nelson was taken to the Marshall Square Police Station.

·     In Court Nelson answered by saying, he will Represent himself & Joe Slovo will be his Legal Advisor.

·     The Charges were: Inciting African workers to Strike & leaving the country illegally.

·     This Charges carried a Penalty of up to 10 years in Jail, Nelson was taken to the Johannesburg Fort.

·     Nelson entered Court wearing his traditional Xhosa Leopard Skin Karros instead of a suit & tie.

·     During this Trial Nelson was informed that the United Nations {UN} had voted in favour of Starting Sanctions for the 1st time during the Struggle against the Apartheid Government of South Africa.

·     After this Nelson could see that his arrest at least pushed the UN to Start Sanctions against Apartheid.

·     At the end of the Trial Nelson was Sentenced for 3 years for inciting people to Strike & then he was also Sentenced 2 years for leaving the Country illegally, so his Total Sentence was 5 years without parole.

·     Nelson was taken to the Pretoria Local Prison, there he was locked up on the same Prison Section with Robert Sobukwe and others & they all started to discuss many things during their daily Prison Breaks.

1962 to 1963: The Rivonia Trial Starts, MK & PAC work together

·     On May of 1963, Nelson & 3 others were Transferred to the Robben Island prison they were Driven in a Window Less Van with a single

Sanitary Bucket with them at the Back of the Van.

·     They were all 4 Shackled together as the Van Drove them from Pretoria to Cape Town, they travelled a Distance of about 1400 KM's and it normally takes about 16 to 18 Hours to Drive this Distance.

·     On 11 July in 1963, the Police made a Raid at the Lilliesleaf Farm, they entered into the Property under disguised inside a Dry Cleaning Van & they surrounded the House & they also had Sniffer Dogs with them.

·     On that Farm they arrested almost all, of the ANC top Executives under the Sabotage Law & they Send them to Robben Island & Nelson only noticed them a few Days later but within the same month of July.

·     Nelson was then called to the Prison Office when he arrived there he found that Walter Sisulu, Ahmed Kathrada, Andrew Mlangeni and the others were all there & they Charged them all with Sabotage.

·     They were told that they were all going to appear in Court the Next Day, but Joe Slovo and Bram Fischer were not arrested since they were not there at the Farm when it was raided by the Police.

·     This Trial was known as the Rivonia Trial and Nelson Mandela was accused Number 1.

·     By this time Nelson had only Served 9 Months of his 5 Year Prison Sentence.

·     9 October 1963, was the 1st Day of the Rivonia Trial, they were all put at the Back of an Armored Police Van and they were Driven from to the Palace of Justice at the Supreme Court.

1963 to 1964: The end of the Rivonia Trial

·     The Judge of their Trial was Mr. Quartus de Wet, he was also president of the Judges of the Transvaal, he was appointed into that position by the British based United Party Government before they lost power during the 28 May 1948 Elections against the Apartheid National Party.

·     On Monday the 20th of April 1964, during trial Nelson Mandela made the famous ‘I am Prepared to Die’ Speech, which many believed that it also assisted them, to not be sentenced to Death.

·     On 09 June 1964, just 2 days before Judge de Wet, could Rule on the Rivonia Trial Case, the then UN Security Council voted & then released a Statement that Stated that the South African Apartheid Government, must end the Trial & grant amnesty to Nelson Mandela and the other Accused.

·     On Thursday 11 June 1964, within less than a year since the Rivonia Trial, had started, the then Judge De Wet, gave his Verdict and he found the top 6 Accused all Guilty, on all 4 Charges.

·     On Friday 12 June 1964, on the last day of the Trial, Nelson & others entered the Court for the last time, and Nelson saw his Mother in Court & he also saw his Wife Winnie.

·     Then the Judge Sentenced all of the accused to Life Imprisonment and they smiled while looking at each other and Nelson was 45 years old by that time, when was Sentenced for life imprisonment.

·     Later on Nelson Strongly believed in his thoughts that International Pressure and National Demonstrations somehow Assisted in putting the Judge to consider Life Imprisonment and not the Death Penalty.

·     Also that Locally & Internationally the Judge would have been regarded as the Person that killed the Freedom Fighters & his Name, Surname & Legacy would have been tinted & compromised forever.

·     The Judge would have not been able to can recover from the Negative Perception no matter where he went.


1964 to 1969: Robben Islands Prison & H.F. Verwoerd is Assassinated

·     Then on that Day, they were taken to the Pretoria Main Prison Cells, then at around Midnight on the same day, they were woken up and told that they were being Moved to another Prison.

·     All 7 of them, that is Nelson, Andrew, Raymond, Walter, Govan, Kathrada & Elias, were taken on board an Old Military Plane & they flew from Pretoria to Cape Town & they Landed at the Robben Island Prison.

·     Nelson Mandela was put inside a Prison Cell that was barely big enough to fit him alone and his Cell was Written "N Mandela 466/64", meaning the Prisoner's name is Nelson Mandela, the 466th Prisoner to be recorded & held at the Robben Island Prison during the Year of 1964.

·     Each day in Robben Island they were woken up at 05:30 in the Morning & then they will open their Prison Doors at around 06:45 every Morning.

·     They bathed with Cold water even during Winter, Supper was Delivered at 04:30 in the Afternoon.

·     While at Robben Island they received their 1st public Visitors except their Lawyers who came Weeks before them, they were 2 Visitors a Reporter & a Photographer from Daily Telegraph from London in England, which was usually supporting the Apartheid Government’s Side of the Story and little of the Prisoners side of the Story.

·     The Reporters Name was Mr. Newton and they took a photo of both Nelson and Walter Sisulu in Robben Island while they were busy talking.

·     Winnie tried to go to visit Nelson in Robben Island as soon as she could but during those times she was a Banned person & only the Minister of Justice could approve for her to can Travel and to Visit Nelson.

·     On 6 September 1966, The Prime Minister H.F. Verwoerd was Assassinated in Cape Town by Dimitri Tsafendas who stabbed Hendrik F. Verwoerd about 4 times, on the Neck and also on the Chest.

·     Around the next day as Nelson & others were about ready to eat, another Prisoner came towards them with food & He whispered to them: Verwoerd is dead, they did not appreciate the news of his Assassination.

·     On 10 September 1966, H.F Verwoerd’s State funeral was held in Pretoria & then The National Party Voted for John Vorster to be their Prime Minister of South Africa to replace him after his untimely death.

·     John Vorster’s full birth names are Balthazar Johannes Voster, aka B.J Voster.

·     ANC President Chief Albert Luthuli, passed away on July in 1967, apparently he was hit by a train near his home, Nelson & the others were already in Robben Island and they could not attend his Funeral.

·     In 1968, in around September, Nelson was visited by 4 Visitors that is his Mother Nosekeni Fanny, his son Makgatho, Makaziwe his Daughter & his

Sister Mabel, while he was still in Robben Islands.

·     Nelson Noticed that her Mother had lost weight & wasn’t looking as well as she did during the Trial.

·     On 24 September 1968, Nelson Mandela’s Mother passed away just a few weeks after she had visited him

·     But Nelson could not go to attend his Mother’s Funeral, the Prison warders feared that other people might over power them during

the Funeral & escape with him, even if Nelson did not approve their escape plans.

·     Nelson’s Mother Nosekeni Fanny died, at the age of 74, due to a stomach illness according to her Death Certificate, but people around her believed

that she died because of a Heart attack.

·     On Monday 12th May 1969, police went to Winnie’s house in Orlando & arrested her without a charge.

·     Winnie was arrested in front of her 2 children, who were about 9 & 10 years Old respectively.

·     She was Charged after being about 6 Months in prison, She was Charged for attempting to revive the ANC & the State withdrew its case after about 1 year and 5 Months. 

·     On Sunday 13th July in 1969, Nelson Mandela’s 1st born Son Madiba Thembekile (Thembi) Mandela fatally passed away during a Car Accident in the Western Cape.

·     Thembi was 24 years Old, when he passed away & Nelson was also denied to attend his Son’s Funeral.

·     When Thembi passed away, he had 2 Children, who were still very young in age at that time.

·     In 1974, Winnie was arrested for 6 Month’s & sent to the Kroonstad Prison for breaking her banning orders, she was visited by a friend when the

banning only allowed her to be visited by her 2 Daughters only.

·     In July of 1975, as Nelson was turning 57 years old, Walter and Kathrada asked Nelson to write his Biography in secrete, as he was a banned person & it was

against Law for anyone to read or to write a story or a book about him or to even share or to have a Photo of Nelson or of any other banned person was illegal.

·     The Plan was for Nelson to write his Biography & then when Mac Maharaj was to be released in 1976, will smuggle the Biography out of Prison with him & it

was planned that it could be published internationally.

1975 to 1978: The 1976 Student Uprising Protest & Robben Islands Prison


·     In 1975, Winnie was released then she applied for both Her & Zindzi to come to visit Nelson in December.

·     Winnie told Nelson that Bram Fischer was released from Prison, but he died due to Cancer shortly after.

·     Bram Fischer was a white man, but he was not a Racist & Nelson described him as a person who, if you sacrifice for him, he will do the same for you. Fischer also stood by his belief that all men are equal.

·     In 1976, the then Minister of Prisons Mr. Jimmy Kruger, visited Nelson in Robben Island & He offered Nelson a chance to be released and to Stay in the Transkei under his Nephew K.D. Matanzima as President of the Transkei.

·     Nelson had to agree to this terms & he must also recognize Transkei as an independent Bantu State.

·     Nelson disagreed & suggested that if he takes the offer he wants to stay in Johannesburg & not at the Transkei.

·     Nelson also said that he does not support the Creation of the independent Bantu States & its Policies.

·     Minister of Prisons Jimmy Kruger, also tried to persuade Nelson by saying “We can work with you, but not with your Colleagues.”

·     Then in 1976 during late June, Nelson & the others got news that on 16 June 1976 more than 20 000 School Children held a National Protest against the Governments Bantu Education Policy.

·     The Governments Bantu Education Policy wanted to Make Afrikaans to be the medium of instruction, meaning that during school Classes Students were forced to be taught most subjects in Afrikaans language

·     This Student Protest was called the 1976 Youth Uprising against the Apartheid Systems Bantu Education.

·     In Soweto the Protests went out of hand as the Police Shot & killed many School Children by using live Ammunition as the Children Protested by throwing Stones at the Police.

·     After this 16 June 1976 Protest took place, many ordinary people joined & supported the Struggle against Apartheid, by September in 1976, some of those arrested during Protests were sent to Robben Island.

·     F.W. De Kerk, also ended up being Minister of Education & He made sure that African Students were not allowed to take part & share Lecture Rooms with White Race Students at University’s across South Africa.

·     In 1976, after the arrival of the Student protestors in Robben Island, Warders noticed that this new Generation of freedom fighters were much worse when compared to the Nelson Mandela’s generation.

·     The Warders Started asking Nelson & other Senior Prisoners to ask the new Generation of Freedom Fighter Prisoners to show respect & discipline towards the Prison Regulations.

·     In 1977, Robben Island Prisoners were on a Manual Labour Duty, Go Slow Strike for 2 years now, then Prison Officials announced that Manual Labour in the Prison will end & stop forever.

·     On 16 May 1977, the Police arrived with a truck at number 8115 the home of Nelson in Orlando West, They told Winnie & her Daughter Zindzi to pack all of their belongings & to move out of their house.  

·     The Police moved them to the Orange Free State Province, to a place near Bloemfontein to an area called Brandfort at House Number 802, it was a 3 Room House with a Zinc Roof.

·     This House had no Running Water, no Electric Geyser & no Toilet, the people there were speaking Afrikaans and Sotho.

·     It was stated that from around 1976 until 1978, the then Prime Minister of South Africa John Vorster, Started doing Government Corruption by doing some Financial Elicit Money Laundering transactions.

·     John Voster, Resigned as the Prime Minister of South Africa, after his Financial Scandal was discovered.

·     On 9 October 1978, John Voster was replaced by P.W Botha (Pieter Willem Botha) to become the then Prime Minister of South Africa, he remained as the Prime Minster until about September 1984.


Wives and Kids


Life in Prison and in Politics