1963 to 1964: The end of the Rivonia Trial

·     The Judge of their Trial was Mr. Quartus de Wet, he was also president of the Judges of the Transvaal, he was appointed into that position by the British based United Party

Government before they lost power during the 28 May 1948 Elections against the Apartheid National Party.

·     They were all Charged with Sabotage and Conspiracy to overthrow the Government and the maximum Sentence was Death by Hanging.

·     On Monday the 20th of April 1964, during trial Nelson Mandela made the famous ‘I am Prepared to Die’ Speech, which many believed that it also assisted them,

to not be sentenced to Death.

·     On 09 June 1964, just 2 days before Judge de Wet, could Rule on the Rivonia Trial Case, the thenUN Security Council voted & then released a Statement that Stated

that the South African Apartheid Government, must end the Trial & grant amnesty to Nelson Mandela and the other Accused.

·     On Thursday 11 June 1964, within less than a year since the Rivonia Trial, had started, the then Judge De Wet, gave his Verdict and he found the

top 6 Accused all Guilty, on all 4 Charges.

·     Then the Judge Sentenced all of the accused to Life Imprisonment and they smiled while looking at each other and Nelson was 45 years old by that time,

when was Sentenced for life imprisonment.

·     Later on Nelson Strongly believed in his thoughts that International Pressure and National Demonstrations somehow Assisted in putting the Judge to

consider Life Imprisonment and not the Death Penalty.

·     Also that Locally & Internationally the Judge would have been regarded as the Person that killed the Freedom Fighters & his Name, Surname & Legacy

would have been tinted & compromised forever.

·     The Judge would have not been able to can recover from the Negative Perception no matter where he went.

·     Then on that Day, they were taken to the Pretoria Main Prison Cells, then at around Midnight on the same day, they were woken up and told that

they were being Moved to another Prison.

·     All 7 of them, that is Nelson, Andrew, Raymond, Walter, Govan, Kathrada & Elias, were taken on board an Old Military Plane & they flew from Pretoria

to Cape Town & they Landed at the Robben Island Prison.

·     Nelson Mandela was put inside a Prison Cell that was barely big enough to fit him alone and his Cell was Written "N Mandela 466/64", meaning the

Prisoner's name is Nelson Mandela, the 466th Prisoner to be recorded & held at the Robben Island Prison during the Year of 1964.

·     Each day in Robben Island they were woken up at 05:30 in the Morning & then they will open their Prison Doors at around 06:45 every Morning.

·     They bathed with Cold water even during Winter, Supper was Delivered at 04:30 in the Afternoon.

·     While at Robben Island they received their 1st public Visitors except their Lawyers who came Weeks before them, they were 2 Visitors a Reporter & a Photographer

from Daily Telegraph from London in England, which was usually supporting the Apartheid Government’s Side of the Story and little of the Prisoners side of the Story.

·     The Reporters Name was Mr. Newton and they took a photo of both Nelson and Walter Sisulu in Robben Island while they were busy talking.


1964 to 1969: Robben Islands Prison & H.F. Verwoerd is Assassinated

·     Winnie tried to go to visit Nelson in Robben Island as soon as she could but during those times she was a Banned person & only the Minister of Justice could

approve for her to can Travel and to Visit Nelson.

·     Nelson found out that Winnie had received her 2nd Ban and she was dismissed from work as a Social Worker at the Child Welfare Office as a Result of this 2nd ban.

·     At some point in time Winnie was not able to visit Nelson at Robben Island for a Period of 2 Years.

·     At the end of 1965 the International Red Cross was allowed by the Apartheid Government to Visit Robben Island and Rivonia Trialists which included

Nelson Mandela & the others.

·     Then Nelson noticed that the Apartheid Government Respected & Feared the International Red Cross

·     Nelson was interviewed by one of their Representatives & he gave him a List of things, that they needed the Apartheid Prison should Change & then

afterwards the Prison started to make those listed Changes..

·     In 1966, Winnie and Nelson decided to take their Daughters Zenani and Zindzi to Attend Boarding school in Swaziland where they should receive

better Education, they were 6 & 7 years old at that time.

·     In 1966 the Transvaal Law Society tried again to Remove Nelson from the list of Practicing Attorneys, this was them trying to remove him for the 2nd time,

they had failed to remove him 10 years before.

·     On 6 September 1966, The Prime Minister H.F. Verwoerd was Assassinated in Cape Town by Dimitri Tsafendas who stabbed Hendrik F. Verwoerd

about 4 times, on the Neck and also on the Chest.

·     Around the next day as Nelson & others were about ready to eat, another Prisoner came towards them with food & He whispered to them: Verwoerd is dead,

they did not appreciate the news of his Assassination.

·     On 10 September 1966, H.F Verwoerd’s State funeral was held in Pretoria & then The National Party Voted for John Vorster to be their

Prime Minister of South Africa to replace him after his untimely death.

·     John Vorster’s full birth names are Balthazar Johannes Voster, aka B.J Voster.

·     ANC President Chief Albert Luthuli, passed away on July in 1967, apparently he was hit by a train near his home, Nelson & the others were already

in Robben Island and they could not attend his Funeral.

·     In 1968, in around September, Nelson was visited by 4 Visitors that is his Mother Nosekeni Fanny, his son Makgatho, Makaziwe his Daughter &

his Sister Mabel, while he was still in Robben Islands.

·     Nelson Noticed that her Mother had lost weight & wasn’t looking as well as she did during the Trial.

·     On 24 September 1968, Nelson Mandela’s Mother passed away just a few weeks after she had visited him

·     But Nelson could not go to attend his Mother’s Funeral, the Prison warders feared that other people might over power them during the Funeral & escape

with him, even if Nelson did not approve their escape plans.

·     Nelson’s Mother Nosekeni Fanny died, at the age of 74, due to a stomach illness according to her Death Certificate, but people around her believed

that she died because of a Heart attack.

·     On Monday 12th May 1969, police went to Winnie’s house in Orlando & arrested her without a charge.

·     Winnie was arrested in front of her 2 children, who were about 9 & 10 years Old respectively.

·     She was Charged after being about 6 Months in prison, She was Charged for attempting to revive the ANC & the State withdrew its case after about 1 year and 5 Months. 

·     On Sunday 13th July in 1969, Nelson Mandela’s 1st born Son Madiba Thembekile (Thembi) Mandela fatally passed away during a Car Accident in the Western Cape.

·     Thembi was 24 years Old, when he passed away & Nelson was also denied to attend his Son’s Funeral.

·     When Thembi passed away, he had 2 Children, who were still very young in age at that time.

·     In 1974, Winnie was arrested for 6 Month’s & sent to the Kroonstad Prison for breaking her banning orders, she was visited by a friend when the banning

only allowed her to be visited by her 2 Daughters only.

·     In July of 1975, as Nelson was turning 57 years old, Walter and Kathrada asked Nelson to write his Biography in secrete, as he was a banned person & it was

against Law for anyone to read or to write a story or a book about him or to even share or to have a Photo of Nelson or of any other banned person was illegal.

·     The Plan was for Nelson to write his Biography & then when Mac Maharaj was to be released in 1976, will smuggle the Biography out of Prison

with him & it was planned that it could be published internationally.

1978 to 1980: Robben Islands Prison 

· On 27 February 1978, Robert Mangaliso Sobukwe passed away due to Lung Cancer, in Kimberly at

the Orange Free State Province, he was 53 years, Nelson heard this news on a Radio in Robben Island.

· In 1978, Winnie & Nelson’s 1st daughter Zenani Mandela was 19 years old, was to be married by the

Son of King Sobhuza of Swaziland, known as Prince Thumbumuzi, Nelson was still in Robben Island.

· They had met while Zenani was still in boarding school in Swaziland.

· They got married during winter of 1978, Zenani was married & was part of the Swazi loyal house.

· The Apartheid Government gave her Diplomatic Privileges & she was allowed to visit Nelson

at any time she wished to.

· The Prince and Zenani went to visit Nelson in Robben Island & when they arrived, Nelson saw that

they brought along their 1st Child a baby Daughter, the 1st grand Child of both Nelson & Winnie.

· The Visit took place in the Consultation Room & in there he could hug & hold hands with them &

able to can hold the baby, because the room had no barriers, only the warder was there by Law.

· Nelson was allowed by tradition to name the Grandchild & he named her Zaziwe meaning Hope.

1982 to 1985: Going out of Robben Islands Prison & in to Pollsmoor Prison

·     On 31 March 1982, Andrew Mlangeni, Nelson Mandela, Walter Sisulu & Raymond Mhlaba were transferred from late afternoon from

Robben Island to Pollsmoor Prison in the Cape Town Area.

·     Nelson spent 18 years & 10 Months at the Robben Islands Prison {almost 20 years} since he had arrived at that Prison on May of 1963, before he was

transferred to Pollsmoor Prison on 31 March in 1982.

·     After they arrived at Pollsmoor Maximum Prison they were kept at the top floor in a spacious Cell that Nelson believed was like a hotel compared

to other Cells that they were held in, in the past.

·     During May 1984, when Nelson was being Visited by Winnie, Zenani & Zenani’s youngest Daughter.

·     Nelson was told that Prison Management has allowed for Contact Visits to start taking place.

·     During this Visit Nelson hugged & kissed Winnie & also held her hand for the 1st time after about 21 years.

·     On Thursday 31 January 1985, in Parliament President P.W Botha, made an offer to all Political Prisoners & also to Nelson Mandela, that the

Government will release them from Prison, Provided that they agree to Unconditionally reject Violence as a Political Instrument.

·     Then P.W Botha also added that as from that day, it is therefore not the South African Government that was standing in the way of Nelson to be

released from Prison but it is Nelson Mandela himself.

·     Then on Friday, the 8th February 1985, Nelson met with his Lawyer Ismail Ayob & Winnie at Pollsmoor Prison and together they wrote a letter

which was responding to the offer & the Statement that was made by President P.W Botha while he was in parliament 

·     Then on Sunday 10 February 1985, Nelson Mandela’s youngest Daughter Zindzi Mandela, read her father’s response to P.W Botha’s offer &

Statement during the UDF Rally.

·     Nelson explained that President P.W. Botha must show that he is much better than the other previous apartheid leaders by allowing all

political prisoners to be freed.

·     By also allowing banned people & banned organisations to be unbanned, by cancelling Apartheid Laws by allowing free peaceful political activities,

gatherings & demonstrations to take place.

·     Because the Freedom of all oppressed people & the freedom of Nelson Mandela, must take place more or less at the same time, they cannot be separated.

·     Nelson was then moved & separated to his fellow prisoners in Pollsmoor Prison & moved into a 4 room Cell that had a Toilet room, Sleeping Room,

Study Room & Excessive Room as part of it.

·     In 1985 between March to December, A few weeks after moving into his New Cell, Nelson Started to realize that he could use this Disadvantage & turn it

into an Advantage by starting to talk with the Apartheid Government Officials.

1988 to 1990: Being Released from Prison

·    During 1988, Nelson had a bad cough & a doctor requested that he must be sent to the Tygerberg Hospital.

·     While at Tygerberg Hospital a doctor examined Nelson & told him that he has TB & the Dump state of his Prison Cell could have contributed to causing it,

the Doctor said that it will take Nelson 2 Months to recover.

·     In December 1988, Nelson was discharged from the Tygerberg Hospital to a Clinic around Cape Town.

·     On 9 December, Nelson was transferred from the Clinic to the Victor Verster Prison in the Paarl Area.

·     After arriving at the Victor Verster Prison, Nelson realised that he was being moved to stay in a house that was isolated from the main Prison buildings,

this house had warders guarding its entrance gate.

·     In February 1989, President P.W Botha, suffered a stroke & he resigned as the Leader of the apartheid governments National Party and F.W. De Klerk

was voted in as the new President of the National Party.

·     On Monday 14 August 1989, President P.W Botha, resigned as the President of South Africa.    

·     On Tuesday 15 August 1989, F.W De Klerk was sworn in as the new President of South Africa.

·     President F.W De Klerk announced during his 1st speech as President that he is willing to Negotiate & to also work with any Group that is committed to Peace.

·     Under F.W De Klerk’s Presidency Peaceful Protesters were allowed to take place, around the Country.

·     On 10 October 1989, President F.W De Klerk announced that 8 Political Prisoners will be released from both the Pollsmoor and Robin Island Prisons,

Oliver Tambo & Ahmed Kathrada were part of that List.

·     On Friday 02 February 1990, President F.W De Klerk, made an unexpected announcement during his opening Speech at Parliament, that

the Government will be releasing all none Violent Political Prisoners.

·     Also they are cancelling the banning of publishing Content of banned People & Organisations.

·     They are also Cancelling the banning of all Anti Apartheid Organisations which included the ANC, PAC & SACP.

·     During this Speech President F.W De Klerk also said that the time for Negotiations has arrived.

·     On Saturday the 10 February 1990, Nelson went to the Tuynhuys building, for the 3rd time to meet President F.W De Klerk for the 2nd time.

·     When Nelson arrived he was shocked when President F.W De Klerk told him that He was releasing him from Prison tomorrow which was going to

be on Sunday the 11 of February 1990.

·     On Sunday 11 February 1990, the day that Nelson Mandela was being Released from Victor Verster Prison, Both

Cyril Ramaphosa & Trevor Manuel arrived there in Prison to assist him on his release day.


Early Life before Politics


Becoming the President